Funny Marriage Customs in Germany

Weddings are a great occasion for celebrating enjoy, but they can also be an opportunity to enjoy some enjoyment games and move pranks. These interesting German bridal beliefs might seem a little strange, but they show just how much people care about each other

Before the festival ends, there is an ancient convention in Germany where the few has to saw a log placed on a earthen noun. This symbolizes how they will work together to overcome issues in their marriage.

Frauen treffen after the ceremony, the bride and groom will clean up smashed porcelain ( Polteraband ). It’s believed that the quiet sound from the shattered sheets scares off evil spirits, and the shards bring luck.

Another fun match is the veil boogie. When music is playing, all second women are allowed to pilfer the princess’s mask and pull it into parts. It’s practice that whoever gets the largest piece likely obtain married second.

Another enjoyment match comes from Southern Bavaria, where the couple’s best man and girls did”kidnap” the freshly married wife during the reception. They will finally taking her to a nearby pub where they have frequented in the past, where they can ingest a dozen rounds with friends. This is a enjoyable way to have a crack from all the conventional holidays and appreciate some quality time with close companions. It’s furthermore a good prospect for the wife to remember about her particular moment.